Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What have I done?

My husband is fascinated by everything that is "redneck"-ish.  Here is a following conversation snippet from this morning.

Martin: Hey, honey.  Are we still thinking about renewing our vows in the U.S. one day?

Me: Sure, why not?  It'd be nice to really celebrate it for once.  (We had a quick wedding before, btw.)

Martin: May I plan some of it?

Me: Ummmm.... sure?

Martin: Great!  Wanna know what our wedding cake will be made of?

Me: What?

*Martin grins crazily*

Me: Oh, God.  What?

Martin:  Chicken wings.  Mmmm.

Hey, as long as we're at it, why don't we just throw chicken feed or fish pellets instead of rice?



Katie @ makingthishome.com said...

When the other Martin and I got married, my brother used to plan for the same kind of wedding as your Martin. He wanted hay bales, ancient ruins, tiki torches...
Now as his girl is planning their wedding, he has no clue what's going on... but it's sure not like he had planned. Last I heard, six bridesmaids and a formal dinner. He would have had the chicken wing wedding cake, too. Silly Martin!

Design It Chic said...

you girls have the same name, the same current location and the same husband's name???? how crazy is that??? ha ha =))

ooo, chicken wings?? sign me up!


KatieBug4aHug said...

Katie: In one of my favorite movies, one lady says about the household, "The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants." The wedding is just the beginning, hehe!

Niky: I know! Weird, isn't it? And you can share the wings with Martin. I am not a big fan of them. :-)

Katie @ makingthishome.com said...

Katie, my mom quotes that line all the time. My Big Fat Greek Wedding, right? haha

KatieBug4aHug said...

Correct, Katie. It is really a great line. (Short, but holds a lot of truth.)